Howard Alder Smith in Swansea is 90 today and I'm trapped in Northumberland, kept away from him.
Emotions are eating me up and twist into anger and frustration with this imprisonment, lock-down, this being controlled way of life that I hate so much.
I need to phone him and say happy birthday, but not feeling strong enough yet.
I'm going outside to look into the fog for a while before picking up my phone.
Happy birthday dad X

That's great for you a real treat. I have to admit I'm finding today very difficult. X
Very sorry you can't be with your dad today, Alan. My mum is 84 today. I've taken advantage of the latest lockdown relaxation in England and joined my isolated bubble with my daughter and grandson's so that I can see them for the first time in nearly four months (wonderful) and travel with them to London to see my mum on her birthday - at a distance and over the garden fence as she is shielding.