In a series of numbered written dialogues Call Centre correspondents Zahra Dallilah and Julie Tomlin respond to their own prompt: If we stop: Flourishing. Nourishment. Lockdown.

Yeah fuck it let's do it
Let's party like it's 1999
Can't believe we lasted four months indoors I'm sick of the sight of these walls
I know man, I can't wait to have a dance
Like it's nineteen fucking ninety-nine
Memba why they partied like that back then?
Should we get a drink for the road tho?
Also Tash and her mate with the funny 'tache are picking up dyu want in?
God it's good to be going out again
Yeah, fucking is
They're saying we'll end up going back in soon tho
'Local lockdowns' this time
All winter long
Yeahhhh I heard that, better get it in while the getting’s good then innit
Yeah zackly, that bar up by the roundabout is open again
Should we go there
Yeah Tash's lot are gonna meet us at the spot so let's defs get a few bevs in first.
They're not gonna survive this, are they?
What, the spot by the roundabout?
Fuck no they're done for
I went to see Babette. She’s decided to pack it in. She’s been surprised by how emotional people have been, didn’t realise how much her place meant to people. (“I suppose it’s like when you have people round to dinner, or throw a party, you never get to appreciate it in the same way,” she says)
Better get in there while we still can then innit
That's what I'm saying
That's why they partied like that in 1999
End of the world
Looks like they were only 20 years too early
So fucking right mate
You got my wallet?
Yeah, let's go
Image: Andrew Wilson